Monthly Service Charges
Single Family $34.97
Multi Family $27.97
Mobile Home $27.97
5/8" $34.97
3/4" $34.97
1" $58.27
1 1/2" $116.55
2" $186.49
3" $349.64
4" $582.74
6" $1,398.58
Volume Charges for all Customers
Per HCF ( 748 gallons ) $1.73
Water Schedule
Odd Addresses can water Sunday, Wednesday and Friday from Midnight to 1 pm and 7 pm to Midnight. Watering from 1 pm to 7 pm is prohibited.
Even Addresses can water Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from Midnight to 1 pm and 7 pm to Midnight. Watering from 1 pm to 7 pm is prohibited.
There is no watering on Mondays.
If you have an emergency situation that is not a problem coming from your property we have on call maintenance personnel who will come and check out your problem 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You may want to check with your plumber first to make sure none of your lines on your property is broken or plugged up before you call the District.